Tuesday, January 3, 2012

ISO 9001 Standard - ISO 9001 Standards

ISO 9001 Standard - ISO 9001 Standards

Monday, August 30, 2010

ISO 9000 Softwares

ISO 9000 Softwares

1. ISO 9000 SoftwareISO 9000 Document Control Software

The concept of document control is integral to ISO 9000. Specifically ISO 9001: 2000, requires the establishment of a document control system that stores and manages documents relating to implementing, maintaining, and continually improving a quality management system. Within the context of ISO 9000, a quality system must be documented and quality records must be maintained. Document control helps ensure effective operation and facilitates better decision-making, by providing a vehicle for employees, customers, and partners to access controlled documentation from any location at anytime.

For high-tech companies that adhere to ISO 14000 environmental management standards, document control procedures are equally necessary to help them continuously improve their environmental management system.

The ISO 9000 Document Control Software is developed & designed to control the ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Operating Procedure, Forms & Documents digitally. System will track the all ISO 9000 Documents by ISO Document No. through out the system.

The ISO 9000 Document Control Software Provides:-

Tracking of Documents- Provides secure tracking of all your ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Operating Procedure & Forms & Documents in any format either in Microsoft Word, Excel, PDF or etc.
Efficiency Document Control- It’s uniquely qualified to be the focal point of a quality management system because it can handle all types of documents regardless of the software used to create them. It provides a secure and centralized document control repository that makes search and retrieval easy during inspections and audits.
Revision Control- Tracking of Document revisions, approval & Release Date. Manually Tracking down any revision on the ISO 9000 document activity is difficult . The ISO 9000 Document Control Software will help to keep track the numbers of revision have been carried out, and also maintain the various revision copies of the documents.
Multiple File Location – System will be able to keep track the directories & folder where the original location is saved.
Centralize Of Document Control – Do not worry about the various department is getting the correct edition of the documents, because all documents have been managed by a centralize software. Document reviews are conveniently scheduled and documented.
Security:System provide User Right Control module which enable System Administrator to define the access right to authorized users and activity allowed.
2. ISO 9000 Software – ISO 9000 Audit Control Software

The ISO 9000 Audit Control Software were designed to handle all aspects of an internal or external audit programme, from planning audits to the follow-up of corrective actions against deficiencies found.

The Control Software increases the accountability and efficiency of your internal/external audits by developing core processes with clearly defined audit plans, step-by-step procedures, and standardized auditor roles and responsibilities. It will help to put you to the right path toward developing a well-organized ISO9001:2000 internal /external audit system.

The ISO 9000 Audit Control Software Provides:-

Audit Schedule – maintains the audit schedule, checklist preparation and all audit info.
Track Non-Conformance – System will help to track all non-conformances found during the audit, including actions & verification.
Corrective Action Report (CAR) – Update of the corrective action.
Security: System provide User Right Control module which enable System Administrator to define the access right to authorized users and activity allowed.

ISO 9000 Standards – Quality Management Principles

ISO 9000 Standards – Quality Management Principles
A quality management principle is defined by ISO/TC 176 as a comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief, for leading and operating an organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all other interested parties. Eight principles have emerged as fundamental to the management of quality.

All the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 are related to one or more of these principles. These principles provide the reasons for the requirements and are thus very important. The quality management principles can be listed as below:

1. Customer focus
Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.
The customer focus principle is reflected in
ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Communication with the customer
b. Care for customer property
c. The determination of customer needs and expectations
d. Appointment of a management representative
e. Management commitment

2. Leadership
Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction for the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives.
The leadership principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. The setting of objectives and policies
b. Planning
c. Internal communication
d. Creating an effective work environment

3. Involvement of people
People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit.
The involvement of people principle is reflected in
ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Participation in design reviews
b. Defining objectives, responsibilities and authority
c. Creating an environment in which people are motivated
d. Internal communication
e. Identifying competence needs

4. Process approach
A desired result is achieved more efficiently when related resources and activities are managed as a process.
The process approach principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. The identity of processes
b. Defining process inputs and outputs
c. Providing the infrastructure, information and resources for processes to

5. System approach to management
This principle is expressed as follows:
Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives.
The system approach principle is reflected in
ISO 9001 through the requirements addressing:
a. Establishing, implementing and maintaining the management system
b. Interconnection, interrelation and sequence of processes
c. The links between processes
d. Establishing measurement processes

6. Continual improvement
This principle is expressed as follows:
Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization.
The continual improvement principle is reflected in
ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Improvement processes
b. Identifying improvements
c. Reviewing documents and processes for opportunities for improvement

7. Factual approach to decision making
This principle is expressed as follows:
Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.
The factual approach principle is reflected in
ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Reviews, measurements and monitoring to obtain facts
b. Control of measuring devices
c. Analysis to obtain facts from information
d. Records for documenting the facts
e. Approvals based on facts

8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
This principle is expressed as follows:
An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.
The mutually beneficial supplier relationships principle is reflected in
ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Control of suppliers
b. Evaluation of suppliers
c. Analysis and review of supplier data

Friday, June 25, 2010

Improve your performance management with new version of ISO 9001

A quality management system enables you to manage your business processes effectively:

it is much more than a set of rules and procedures. When properly implemented and maintained, a QMS addresses the needs of your organisation and delivers tangible business benefits.

The new version of ISO 9001 has recently been published. One of the main aims of ISO 9001:2008 is to facilitate integration with other standards. Although there are no new requirements as such, there are some key clarifications to be taken into account.

There are three main objectives to the new standard:

Detail, clarify, improve the understanding of ISO 9001:2000 (previous version)

Improve compatibility with ISO 14001:2004 Simplify the way in which ISO 9001 can be integrated with other management system standards (such as OHSAS 18001)

There are no new requirements in the new standard:

The title, scope, and structure of the standard are unchanged

The process approach is confirmed

Compatibility with the latest revision of ISO 14001:2004 is maintained and improved upon

Preservation of the quality management principles included in ISO 9000:2000

There are five main areas to note. The relevant sections of the standard are noted in brackets.

1. A reinforcement of the notion of product conformity

2. Compatibility with other standards is evolving

3. A better understanding of outsourced processes

4. An editorial clarification of some requirements – for instance;

A reinforcement of the notion of product conformity2.3.4.

An editorial clarification of some requirements – for instance;A better understanding of outsourced processesCompatibility with other standards is evolving

• (6.4) work environment, including an explanatory note on work environment giving examples,

to help meet product conformity requirements

• (8.2.1) measurement of customer satisfaction, including a note broadening the scope beyond

satisfaction surveys to include other channels such as customer feedback5.

• (Introduction) the notion of risk

• (5.5.2) appointment of a management représentative

• (6.2.2) assessing the effectiveness of achieving compétence

• (8.5.2 et 3) assessing the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions?

Some additional explanations regarding the requirements of the standard;An editorial clarification of some requirements – for instance;A better understanding of outsourced processesCompatibility with other standards is evolvingA reinforcement of the notion of product conformity

Friday, January 29, 2010

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

Global warming, ozone depletion, pollution and extinction of numerous species of animals. These are just a few of the environmental issues that the world faces, in the name of development. As responsible corporate citizens, companies can play their part in preserving our natural environment for our next generation by implementing ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System.

So, what is ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System? What is the requirement of the ISO 14001 standards? What is the content of Environmental Management System? What are the steps in implementing ISO 14001:204 Standards – Environmental Management System? You will find the answers in this “ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System” DVD.

The “ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System” DVD will elaborate in details on:

  1. Introduction to ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System.
  2. The history & origin of the standards.
  3. Requirement of ISO 14001:2004 Standards.
  4. Contents Of ISO 14001:2004 Standards.
  5. ISO 14001:2004 Implementation Steps & Checklist.

No matter how simple or complex the business, each can benefit from the implementation of a management system based on ISO 14001:2004. This international standard has as its focus the prevention of pollution, accomplished by a teamwork approach to identifying those aspects of the organizations processes that have the potential for harming the environment and the development of ways to reduce or prevent this harm.

In the process, many organizations have found ways to reduce costs by elimination of scrap, changes to their waste disposal processes or reduced use of natural resources. It is the application of the system approach that has proven to be successful. And, once the system is in place, it is logical and beneficial to have that system certified and registered. This provides added assurance that the management system remains effective and also provides public recognition to numerous stakeholders that your organization is committed to the prevention of pollution.

ISO 9000:2008 Training DVD

ISO 9000 Training DVD

ISO 9000 Training DVD

The major reasons that company leadership or management decides to seek ISO 9000 certification are to gain continued or increased business and to maintain effective operations.

A company can maintain a relationship with customers, as well as get increased business through complying to the ISO 900 standards or becoming certified. This comes from satisfying customer demands, the desire for European business, and to advertise.

The “Introduction to ISO 9001:2008” DVD covers 3 major areas, which will help companies in the process of implementing ISO 9000 Standards. It consists of:

First, to describe some basic information on ISO 9000 Standards. It will specifically refer to ISO 9001:2008 Standards. The video will explained on topic like what is ISO 9000 Standards, The origin, history & evolution, Series of ISO 9000, version & certification in ISO 9000 Standards.

Then, the DVD will go into the introduction on quality management. It will explained on topics like what is quality, quality characteristic, quality management, Quality Management Principles, ISO 9000 vs. Quality, what is Quality Management System & etc.

Finally, the DVD will technically highlight the requirement of Quality Management System in ISO 9001:2008. It also going through in details the steps in implementing Quality Management System in ISO 9001:2008.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lean Manufacturing in Steel Companies

Steel companies have caught up with the fever and are trying to implement lean manufacturing in their operations. Lean manufacturing of steel is a production process that seeks to eliminate waste in all steel production phases with the end purpose of satisfying the customer.

Results of a successful implementation of lean manufacturing of steel are monumental: huge reductions in production cost and inventory and cycle times, large gains in quality, and evident improvements in delivery reliability.

Traditional approaches to implement basic lean manufacturing in companies involve :

(a) a top-down rolling out of concepts

(b) installing and following goal-curves across management levels, meaning departmental goals must be in sync with each other and people are held accountable to meeting their targets

(c) doing the easy tasks first and gaining momentum from small successful results

(d) interactive education and creating at atmosphere that welcomes taking risks and

(e) initiating a pilot project before wide scale implementation.

Although very worthwhile, lean manufacturing is a very complicated process by itself. Lean manufacturing of steel even creates unique problems.

Steel parts that carry loads like automotive trains, jet engines, industrial bearings and metal-forming machinery are produced in a time-consuming multi-step process that involves a lot of grinding and polishing.

Steel parts are first molded out of metal that is relatively soft and then hardened by being subjected to high heat and quickly cooled in a liquid, or “quenched.” After this, steel parts still require precision finishing processes to produce ultra-smooth surfaces that reduce friction and wear

In steel production, equipments are often physically huge that rearrangement of these to reduce unnecessary human and machine movements may be unrealistic. Some processes in manufacturing of steel must be performed in large batches.

Because of the size of the products made, cycle time is often longer than in other manufacturing businesses. Metallurgical constraints limit the aggressive acceleration of heat-up and cool-down cycles.

Difficult equipment set-up increase production time, effort, yield loss and equipment deterioration. Protective inventories are necessary to avoid costly “out of metal” conditions during bottleneck operations and cannot be avoided.Traditional “kanban” or “signal controls are not suitable because some mills have a variety of routings and passes on the same equipment.

Also, unions and uncooperative labor relations make empowerment of employees and team building difficult to establish.

Despite these drawbacks, there have been success stories of lean manufacturing of steel.

In order to slash manufacturing costs by up to 30 percent and as to add $6 billion to the U.S. economy every year, Edison Materials Technology Center developed and refine, from 2000 to 2005, an innovative technique for making a wide array of hardened steel parts through lean manufacturing of steel.

“Hard turning”, a method to forge hot metal into nearly perfect parts and hardening and machining these after, was discovered to eliminate waste and possibly the need for polluting oils which are used in cutting and grinding. If hard turning will be applied to manufacture gears and turbine blades, this would meet EMTC’s goals.

EMTC has developed hard-turning technologies and a complete prototype system. Other members of the team are Delphi Automotive Systems, Torrington Co., Kennametal, Third Wave, Hardinge, Inc., Masco Tech, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Ohio State University.

Applying lean manufacturing of steel, Cairns Steel Fabricators also doubled its capacity and improved productivity. Established in 1979, CSF is a company focusing on steel fabrication and erection which employs around 60 personnel and handles 150 tonnes of steel per week.

QMI solutions offered a holistic approach to lean manufacturing of steel through its ProEdge Manufacturing Excellence program.

To ensure lean manufacturing of steel, CSF decided to address its internal processes first before expanding. CSF altered factory layout, house keeping and machinery setup. Efficient use of space and equipment resulted to increased productivity.

CSF positioned individual work areas in specific spots and color-coded tools to ensure they are returned to their proper places. In CSF’s case, it was important to look at the “little everyday things” in order to make the system leaner.